Monday, November 13, 2006


Broke 30,000 words on Sunday. (Yay!) And got feedback from family on my my Summit Prologue and my romantic suspense summary.

I also came to the conclusion that I won't be writing romantic suspense, per se, but rather a suspense novel with a heavy romantic theme. I have nothing against category romance -- for one, they're huge sellers. And whatever people choose to write or read is their own choice, and its all about what serves our needs as readers and writers (making us think, educating us, escapism, whatever). But I just can't envision myself writing category romance. I don't think I could write a 60,000-word novel. (Props to those who can, though.)

So now I think I'll be making my second book "chick lit suspense" rather than romantic suspense... maybe. Something like that.

And does anyone know what liquor stores are called in various European nations?

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