Monday, November 06, 2006


(In the spirit of my book, set in Germany and all that)

I do have a livejournal account, but I really prefer the look of blogspot so I'm going to make most of my writing-related posts over here.

Below (and this may look familiar, as I've posted it on my LJ account as well) is the query-letter-version of my synopsis for my as-yet-untitled manuscript, which is a murder mystery/political thriller. If you happen to find it interesting/intriguing/annoying/utter blather, please let me know. And if it raises any questions in your mind, by all means post them. I may not answer them here, but I will attempt to answer them in my book. ;-)

German detective Josef Brandt responds to the murder of American diplomat Russell Fisk at the very hotel where the G8 Summit is scheduled to open in just two days, certain that the motive is obvious: someone has taken politics a little too far. CIA Agent Chelsea LaBrecque is anything but pleased when she is assigned to baby-sit Brandt's investigation, but she isn't about to fight the Director.

Chelsea and Josef discover that Fisk's murder is just a small part of an attempt to keep a long-held secret. As they track a killer connected to one of the most powerful men in the world, they must consider which is more important: that the truth be exposed or that foreign relations between the world's greatest nations not be jeopardized.


Anonymous said...

a bird sang to me that someone writes a book that plays partly in Germany. p)

I like the name of the german police man: Brandt

Anonymous said...

Jeopardize relations! Let's start a nuclear war!

Heather Janes said...

Well, Rell, that means a lot to me ;) my resident German adviser...

Val, there will be no nuclear wars :p Sorry, darlin'