Thursday, February 15, 2007


I've realized that the part of my original writing I struggle with the most is the characterization. My originals seem stiff because I don't really know the characters.

The fanfic I've written in the past has been great for stuff like building a storyline, developing a plot, and expanding characterization. But by the time I'd decide to write fan fiction about a book/movie/tv show, I knew the characters I was playing with -- who they liked and disliked, what they did for a living and why, what their relationships were like.

Not so with originals.

I can't get myself engaged with my characters, because I don't know enough about them. I'm trying to write histories of the major ones but I stall out.

Why can't characters cooperate?


Anonymous said...

The thing with characters is, I think, that you have to get to know them. You can't force a background on them, you have to let them reveal their own backgrounds over time.

Did that make sense?

Heather Janes said...

I agree; usually I let the characters develop as I write, but then I find that most of my writing is dry and uninteresting.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

My stories develop in my headand with it my characters develop, by wandering into the story without asking for permission. that's why they come to exist and that#S why they are so complicated...