Thursday, March 15, 2007


When I joined myspace yesterday, I couldn't make my page because someone else already had it, so I put my middle initial in instead and that's what I ended up with. But that got me thinking about the possibility that someone could take my name as a domain name. When I (note the optimism of not using 'If') finally get published, I plan to use just my first and last names, not my middle initial (blame Miss Snark for that), so I want my eventual author Web site to be just my first and last names.

Ooookay, the point of that diatribe is to say that I bought a domain name. is now my domain, not that I have a real Web site for it. It currently redirects here, though I might redirect it to my bravehost site, which has a link to the blog anyway.

Does anyone know of good hosting programs? I don't know HTML beyond simplistic tags.

Also, does anyone have suggestions for what types of stuff I could put on my Web site when, eventually, I put a real one together (meaning, not a free bravehost site), and before I have, y'know, actual books to advertise on it?


Anonymous said...

Go look at one of your author's web sites and see what they have in them.

When I had my web site I just used Bravenet, but it really depends on what sort of things you want to do with the site. Like if you want to have a forum or members or just use a page that redirects to an invision forum or whatnot...

Heather Janes said...

The problem is, the authors have stuff like, y'know, books and covers and blurbs and cover copy and all that jazz... which I don't have, because I don't have a completed book yet.

Anonymous said...

Maybe just put your aspirations, your influences, your information...things you might want a potential agent to see...