Tuesday, March 20, 2007

You know you're a writer when

... you spend a disproportionate amount of time at work editing technical memos for passive voice.

*head hits desk ... hard*


... you interrupt your own internal thought processes to rephrase things that are never going to leave your head

... you read signs and think to yourself 'now I would have said it this way

... you get excited to have access to all the deals on Publishers Marketplace because you finally caved and bought a membership despite being four months from the query stage

I'm sure there are more if I think hard enough but I need my brainpower for writing so I don't want to hurt myself.

And this has nothing to do with writing whatsoever but WHY is House not on this week?? Stupid American Idol (I know, I know. Blasphemy. But the show just doesn't do it for me.)

1 comment:

Valin said...

Silly sis :P Crazy writer type :D

And American Idol makes me lol.