Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Barnes & Noble on Young Adult fiction

Kristin Nelson posted today on hearing from an editor that BN will not be expanding their shelf space devoted to young adult fiction, despite the continued growth in the category.

This is depressing. Not just because I'm writing YA, which I am, but in general.

My ambitions of selling YA fiction aside, I think it's depressing to see how little shelf space there actually is for YA books. Don't we WANT kids reading? There is, in my opinion, a disproportionate amount of shelf space for adult fiction. Most nonfiction is geared toward adults as well. Young adult, when I've walked into BN and Borders, has a restricted amount of shelf space and little attention paid to it by the booksellers.

If they're worried about shelf space, maybe they should look at shrinking down their music and movie sections. We have stores for those products and they're usually cheaper elsewhere too.

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