Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Don't let me do it!

With two books currently in progress, I just got another idea. Another young adult, this time suspense. I think. It's sketching itself out in my brain and slowly ... taking ... hold.

I absolutely cannot start writing it right now. I have to finish the ones I have. Have to. So, my friends, if I mention that I started anything else, you are to please beat me over the head with the manuscript to my current works. I will supply said manuscripts. (No, planning doesn't count because I have no control over when lovely ideas hit me. So there. :-P )

As Ally Carter said in a blog entry a while ago, if it's truly a good idea it'll still be with me when I reach the point when I can actually write it.

(But, oh, it's such a lovely idea... just sitting there... waiting)


Valin said...

*threatens to cry if the cute redhead isn't being written about*

Anonymous said...

Wait. I have your PERMISSION to beat you?

Oh, this is sweet...


Heather Janes said...

You do, you do. IF I start writing the new idea. :p