Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Goal: Attained

My goal number of words for this book started out at 50,000 words, went to 60,000, and then dropped back down to 55,000. When I completed it today it clocked in at approximately 53,000 words.

Granted, this is a rough draft and God and le Muse only know what it will look like when complete. But I am quite pleased at having completed the draft. I'm happy with 53k, 208 manuscript pages at Times New Roman 12 pt font.

And . . . and . . . and it's completed 42 days ahead of schedule. 42!!! (Isn't that supposed to be the answer to the universe or something?)

My first original book has, in its roughest form, been completed. What a glorious day.

Now, if only I can make good on that whole "shove it in a drawer and not think about it for a month" thing.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Life, the Universe, and Everything!

But congrats! *hugs*