Sunday, June 17, 2007

Beloved characters

I've commented on part of this before. The fanfic debate aggravates me because I know firsthand that the reason we fanficcers write these stories is because the characters have reached us on some level. I'm currently slightly obsessed with Remus Lupin (okay, slightly may be a tad of an understatement), which I'm sure y'all have noticed. His character draws me in. He's complex and wounded and honest and inspiring and he just interests me so much, which is why I keep blathering about him.

I have a lot of wishes and dreams relating to writing. I want to get an agent. I want to get published. I want to see my book--my own book--on a shelf in Barnes & Noble. I want to make a bestseller list. I want to make enough writing that I can quit my day job and write for a living.

But more than anything else I want to create characters that will instill in my readers the type of attachment I've felt to Remus Lupin, Dennis Booker (21 Jump Street), Templeton Peck (The A-Team), Wedge Antilles and Tycho Celchu (Star Wars). It would mean, to me, that I've done my job as an author and made my audience care about my characters.

Hell, I'd even be happy to have my fans up in arms about something I'd done to my characters because it would mean that my audience had developed a relationship with these characters to the point that they felt they knew them, believed in them, understood how they functioned and why--and had developed their own opinions on these characters.

Cross-posted to my LJ


Anonymous said...

I don't know, even putting Tycho in the same sentence as Wedge is a stretch. Everyone knows that Wedge is the greatest pilot the galaxy has ever seen, even above Jek Porkins and his inertia (or whatever it was). :)

Heather Janes said...

Tycho is arguably the second best Rebel/New Republic pilot ever. So there!