Friday, June 08, 2007

The first steps of revision

So, revision is going well so far. Dining room table is rather covered with notebook, pens, clean manuscript pages, scribbled manuscript pages. Yet, for the moment, despite scatter, not chaotic. And I have a lid from a paper box on the table which cat uses as a bed. It pleases her to be able to watch me and it keeps her from laying on my papers and getting in the way. Spent the evening last night listening to Queen and U2 and revising. Queen is truly lovely dance-around-the-house-alone music. Cat thought I was crazy, I think, but it was fun.

I'd already been through most of the pages I revised last night, but I found so much more wrong with them on the second pass. I did the first pass on the living room floor in front of the television so I probably wasn't paying that much attention.

I'm working at the very beginning of my book so at the moment it's more stylistic changes, noticing poor word choice or bad use of punctuation. I haven't created plot problems yet, really, but as I read through the beginning I'm (1) noticing the things that I'd planned to do more with and which I know I forgot about later in the book and (2) coming up with ideas to elaborate later--and for future books if this takes off as a series.

All in all I'm currently pleased with how revision is going, although that is subject to change without notice.

Also, I have a new livejournal for posting more personal ramblings. See here.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Sounds about right ;)