Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Posting this in an attempt to force myself to get back to work on Deception. I took a sort of unplanned break from it in the midst of Potter mania after hitting my 90,000 word goal and now really need to get back to it and just bang it out. I figure if I post updates here, I'll have to own up if I don't get some work done.

I've set a new goal for Deception, 105,000 words, based on my estimate of what I'll need in order to wrap up the story. I will update probably every Monday morning with my progress.

So, as of right now, this is where I stand on completing the Deception manuscript:

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
91,078 / 115,000

And this is where I stand with the Taggert Twins 1 revision, because I totally got sidetracked when I realized I had major plot holes to finish. And even though I resolved them, I haven't been able to tie myself to a chair and focus on the revision. This I will also update every Monday morning (is in pages rather than words):

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
21 / 208

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